Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Prayer for Prosperity

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day to fulfill your purpose on this Earth for me. I ask that you find it in your heart to forgive me of my transgressions, including the ones that I am not conscious of.

I am coming to you in the need of prayer, praying for prosperity in each aspect of my life. I surrender myself in my thoughts and actions to you. I seek your guidance in every aspect of my life.
I pray as this school year comes to close, that my focus remains strong and endure until the end. Also, that with each person and situation that I encounter that you are given the glory; with people seeing less of me and more of you.

I am seeking help for my family situation, that we may surrender our judgments and bias every day to strength our bond with each other and our foundation in your will. I pray that will remove the mask and express our weakness and sins to each other that we can comfort one another in our times of need. You know the desires of our heart and I ask that you fulfill the broke pieces and make us whole once again. Provide us with a  clean heart, shape and mold us into what you would have us to be. Provide us with our daily purpose and the strength to be obedient to your will.

I am praying for my financial situation that is partly inherited and other of my disobedience. I pray that for strength to be obedient to your will and a solution. I am claiming to be debt, as 'money cometh'. I thank you in advance for every opportunity that comes my way to glorify your name.

I now pray for my personal being. I pray that each day I become closer and closer to being Christ like in my attitude and service. I pray to gain humility and the heart of a servant. I pray that with each level you elevate me, you provide the teachers for me to learn what is needed.

I pray for the world, as it is plagued with sin. Have mercy on your children, as they know not what they do. Let them know you are near and ready to guide their footsteps. Let the person reading this, invite  you into their heart on a daily basis. We know that when they seem to be falling apart, that is when you step in to make things as they should be. We fear not, because we know fear is not of you. But also, because we know that you are in control and have plans to prosper us.

I pray for the souls that feel as though they are trapped in darkness, but I know you are the Prince of Peace. The Light of the World.  I am praying for these souls to be delivered, so they can be comforted in your arms. I pray for people to turn away from their sinful ways and turn to you.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Today is the National Day of Prayer, with the theme, "Lord, hear our cry". The conjoining verse is, "Hear the cry and prayer that your servant is praying in your presence today", 1 Kings 8:28.

With all of the events of violence and hatred happening around the world, there is no greater time than now that we should come together in prayer. This very moment in history, the world is becoming chaotic and this is generally when God does his work the best. When things look impossible, God steps in to do the possible.

While I believe praying is an essential part of your daily life, you can start today!

Be blessed!
- Kiara P.

Disable the Label


Imagine visiting a mental health facility and before sitting down to observe a group therapy session, a patient mistakes you for a visual hallucination. What would you do first?
a. Run away and cry
b. Sit down awkwardly and observe as nothing happened
c. Freeze in silence
d. Realize this is a lesson in this moment and try to gain understanding about the client's situation

This actually happened to me, and to be honest I froze at first. But later, I understand that my fear was only because of misunderstanding about mental illness. I had a conversation with the client to gain understanding and learned so much more than a textbook could ever teach,

What do you comes to mind when you hear the term, mental illness?
Image result for mental health or  

What is mental illness?  As defined by Mayo Clinic, mental illness, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions —disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. More specifically, it is when one becomes fixed in a maladaptive state and can no longer function regularly in each aspect of their life.

Image result for mental health disorder
Have you heard of these mental health disorders?    

  • Personality disorders:
    • Cluster A: Paranoid, Schzoid, Schizotypal
    • Cluster B: Antisocial, Borderline Personality disorder, Histrionic and Narcissistic
    • Cluster C: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Anxiety disorders: PTSD, Phobias, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
  • Mood Disorders: Depression, Bipolar Disorder (mania and depression episodes), Seasonal Affective Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating
  • Substance abuse related disorders

No one likes to be judged. So the next time, you encounter someone with a mental illness or see the topic in the media, choose find compassion in your heart. individuals with mental disorders are often shunned in society due to lack of understanding of their illness; to combat this, you must educate yourself. 

With mental health education, you understand:
1) Mental health disorders are generally inherited or have an unknown cause.  It is best to not label those suffering with mental health disorders. Rarely, mental health disorders are caused by stress alone. 
2) Most people suffering with these disorders understand that their condition is not normal and want resolution. 
3) 1 out of 5 people suffer with mental health disorders. So chances are you or someone you know suffers with at least one mental health disorder, so isn't worth it to educate your self on the topic?
4) Mental disorders is a serious problems and those suffering with one should never be reduced because of such. Educate yourself on the matter and try to reduce the stigma behind mental health disorders.
5) We do not laugh at those with medical diagnosis, so why it is that those with mental health disorders are found at the butt of a lot of jokes?
6) Try to change your vocabulary, using words like crazy or psycho to describe how someone is acting, is hurtful rather than constructive.

Here is a list of online resources to find out more about mental health disorders:


Be blessed!
- Kiara P. 

White Noise

Baltimore. Nepal. Mayweather v. Pacquiao Match. NBA Playoffs.

What do all of these events have in common? Each event have captured national attention in one aspect or another within the last week. It is your decision to decide which is important to you.

Are you sure your listening? Besides being educated on world events, it is more essential to understand your position on the topic. Empowerment is important.

Do you really understand or just what you are being told? Today it is too common for individuals to have an opinion on world events without any supporting facts other than what is displayed through the media. It is necessary to understand that with every story includes his, hers and the truth. With each media post and break news segment, attempt to see the big picture.

Ask yourself:
  • Who are the key players in this story?
  • What is the background facts, including immediate and long term history.
  • What are the conspiring factors?
    Does the supplying source have any known bias regarding the events. It is suggested to consult multiple sources for news to gain a well rounded view.
  • Is this story present in such a way that will contribute to our community cohesiveness or divide us?

All in all, it is best to have a open heart with each story. Remove speculation by first possessing the facts. Do not rush to judgment. Stand up and have a voice.

Gaining a consensus through verbalizing your feelings on social media is fine and dandy but it takes gaining knowledge on the topics, voting at the polls and confronting your politicians to take a stand on the important issues contributes to making a lasting effect. This starts with baby steps, first research the issues. The more you divulge into this scene, you will begin to understand politics are all around you.

Can you understand the real message or is the white noise becoming too much?

Never place prejudices onto someone else that you wouldn't want placed on you unjustly. Remember, You don't have to put others down to rise.

Be Blessed!
-Kiara P.

A Different World

What better time than at 3 am watching A Different World, to start my blogging career? The first day of each month marks a new beginning, a 30 day period to start afresh; a day I establish my monthly goals or declarations.

For the month of June, I declare:
  1. to wake up early each morning to give thanks for a new opportunity to give thanks, fulfill my purpose.
  2. enjoy the process
  3. pray over and about everything and worry about nothing
  4. be mindful that God is in control and his timing is always best
  5. keep love in my heart and compassion forefront to understanding everyone has their own walk in love
  6. continue to determine what I value and foremost and always be true to myself
What are your monthly goals?

As I enter this new arena of life, pray that I may positively grow mentally, physically and spiritually. Let's start this journey together.

Stay Blessed!
- Kiara P. 

Oops I almost forgot to tell you a little about myself, a GirlBoss in the making!

  • Founder & CEO of The Peoples Advocate, a 1-stop shop for all your healthcare needs: services, education, and advising. 
  • Graduate student pursuing a Master's degree in Healthcare Administration. 
  • A woman after God's heart with pink & green (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated member) down to my soul. 
  • A new blogger ready to "Break the Internet" (lol).
Until that day, baby steps, I will post to overcome my excessive napping habit! Blogging is good for the soul!